Jul 20, 2023Liked by Scarlet Cloak

I loved it too. And your review is great. :D The romance was the best Sanderson has ever written. It was exciting, and Hoid's insights were so poignant. I think Sanderson's writing is getting more and more profound the more he writes. <3 The only thing is, I had absolutely no fear for the sad ending. BrandoSando couldn't do that to us! I think I've read too much happy ending fantasy. :D

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With Sanderson, I always expect a happy ending. But then again, I remember he gave us the endings to 'The Hero of Ages' and 'The Lost Metal'. 'The Way of King Prime' had too many emotional deaths too... The man can be brutal when he wants to.

With this book, Brandon trolled us multiple times with the hion TV Drama that Yumi loved to watch. It ended on a sad note [although they screened a special episode where everything ends satisfactorily - but Yumi didn't get to watch that episode], and Yumi mentioned it several times to make me think Brandon was foreshadowing the fate of Yumi and Painter's romance. 😅

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I am so behind on all the SP books 😅

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Dude, read those when you get free time and are in the right mood for reading. I believe SP3 might turn out to be your and Suraj's favorite one.

You should try SP2 as well. It's non-Cosmere, but is a weird mix of fantasy and sci-fi elements and features dimension-hopping and much more!

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